

Publishing frequency12 issues per year


International subscription€174

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Editor-in-chiefMauro Neri

Joined EISA in 1992

Published byAudiovideoteam Società Cooperativa

AddressVia Nomentana, 1018 00137 Roma Italy

Phone+39 06 412 182 87

Founded in 1981 by engineers and audio critics decided to enter worthily high fidelity within electro-acoustics, AUDIO Review features reports of audio products of every kind, based on technical knowledge, listening tests and laboratory measurements, with the aim of guiding readers to the models that offer the best quality in their price range, from the most popular and affordable consumer devices to the exclusive high end components and for professional use. Not least is the music section, with over 100 reviews of new releases written by respected signatures. Recently AUDIO Review has expanded with the inclusion of ACS AudioCarStereo, AudioCostruzione and Digital Video Home Theater magazines.

RSS Editor’s Choice

  • Sommario AudioReview 466 12th July 2024
    Audio Community Audio per tutti Prove Tecnica Digital Video HT AudioCostruzione AUDIOclub Musica The post Sommario AudioReview 466 appeared first on AudioReview.
  • Editoriale AudioReview 466 12th July 2024
    Cari costruttori… La prova del grande integrato Audio Analogue pubblicata in questo numero ci dà il destro per segnalare un problema di rapporti tra editoria specializzata e aziende costruttrici di prodotti audio che data ormai da almeno una ventina d’anni, ma che negli ultimi tempi si è fortemente consolidato: l’impermeabilità alle nostre richieste di documentazione […]
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