Average pages per84
Publishing frequency8 issues per year
Subscription€ 88
International subscription€ 97,90
Retail price per copy€ 11,90
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Editor-in-chiefHeikki Kivelä
Joined EISA in 2007
Published byFokus Media Finland Oy
AddressHämeentie 135 A, 4th floor, 00560 Helsinki, Finland
Hifimaailma is specialist magazine for high quality home audio and video (home theater) systems. It offers product reviews and tests, comparison tests, systems reviews, articles, exhibition reports and product/technical news. It’s aimed at consumers who are interested in high quality audio/video reproduction and equipment as well as high-end enthusiasts and people who are interested in audio/video technology.
“It is an honour to become a member of EISA and it gives our magazine even more respect. EISA offers good contact with other magazines and journalists, and we can exchange lots of information and learn new things. We can also share the knowledge from EISA members and manufacturers with our readers.”