
Average pages per76


Publishing frequency6 issues per year


International subscriptionn/a

Retail price per copy€3

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Editor-in-chiefLjubiša Miodragović

Joined EISA in 2008

Published byHi-Files Group

AddressHi-Files, Cernigojeva 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Hi-Files is the only hi-fi and home theater magazine in Serbia. The first issue was published in September 2004. Hi-Files is published 6 times a year and is also distributed in surrounding countries like Montenegro and Bosnia. Our objective is to increase circulation and page volume, thus following the development of audio/video market in Serbia and surrounding markets with the emergence of new distributors and appearance of new brands. We cover events, news and educational articles, but most of the magazine consists of reviews of the newest and popular Hi-Fi and Home Theater equipment. Hi-Files has a international character. We have written reports from the most important European Hi-Fi shows. The name of the magazine by itself suggests that content is internationally oriented.
Even though we are young magazine, our goal of leading a market in the right direction is most important.

Therefore we are organizing the Hi-Files Show, an event for bringing equipment closer to the consumer. Hopefully, the show will bring companies from surrounding countries and become a traditional event.

“Hi-Files joined EISA in May 2008 with a lot of joy for our stuff, but also our readers. This step is very important to us in a political way, because Serbia is putting an effort in becoming member of EU. For Hi-Files, joining EISA brings more authority and closer cooperation with colleagues from European countries.”

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