
Average pages per100

Circulation29.380 copies

Publishing frequency12 issues per year


International subscriptionAustia €106,80 Switzerland 171,69 sFr

Retail price per copy€8,90

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Editor-in-chiefManfred Zollner

Joined EISA in 1982

Published byJahr Top Special Verlag GmbH & Co. KG

AddressJürgen-Töpfer-Straße 48, 22763 Hamburg

Phone+49 403 890 61 71

Launched in 1949, FotoMagazin is one of Germany’s most important photo magazines. Its content covers the whole world of imaging; modern, contemporary photography, as well as practical and technical advice, along with features, reports, tests, interviews, book reviews, readers’ gallery, contests, question- and-answer features, portfolios and industry dates. It’s aimed at both amateur and professional photographers, as well as designers and art directors.

“The EISA awards have been the highlight of the photo industry calendar for many years. FotoMagazin is a co-founder of EISA and it is a pleasure for us to be involved with the election of these awards. Participation in the EISA Awards increases the respectability of FotoMagazin even more.”

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