Format:233 x 328 mm
Average pages per100
Publishing frequency6 issues per year
SubscriptionNOK 640
International subscriptionNOK 690
Retail price per copyNOK 105
Visit website
EditorPål Otnes
Joined EISA in 1987
Published byPreus Museum
AddressKommandørkaptein Klincks vei 7, 3183 Horten
Phone+47 33 03 16 30
Fotografi has been on sale since 1967 and highlights both the fine art and the technical sides of photography. It includes comprehensive lab tests and user-based tests of cameras, lenses, printers and software. Fotografi has educational articles on all aspects of digital photography, plus picture portfolios of both Norwegian and internationally renowned photographers in each issue. Fotografi is mainly aimed at professional photographers and enthusiasts.
“Apart from the prestige and attention that EISA membership brings to the magazine, the contact and cooperation with other EISA members is of equal importance. Sharing information and projects, discussing strategy and plans for the future, and last but not least, the warm friendship developed with European colleagues over many years.”