Format:web (desktop + mobile)
Circulation2 million pages per month
Publishing frequencydaily
Visit website
Editor-in-chiefEmidio Frattaroli
Joined EISA in 2019
Published byAV Raw S.n.c.
Addressvia G. Cameli 21, 64100 Teramo (TE) - ITALY
Phone+39 393 9013731
AV Magazine is an Italian online magazine, founded in February 2005 by Emidio Frattaroli and published by AV Raw s.n.c., a privately owned company. We publish daily tech news, guides, and in-depth reviews, covering the fields of consumer electronics, like display monitors and TVs, smartphones and mobile devices, hi-end audio, video and broadcast, both for consumers and professionals. Staff and contributing editors are not influenced nor controlled by manufacturers, distributors, or dealers: tests and reviews published on AV Magazine are taken for reference among readers due to our authority and independence. Furthermore, almost all of our reviews are based on test measurements, obtained from “lab-grade” certified and calibrated instrument, like audio analyzer from Audio Precision, microphones from Aco Pacific, DPO from Tektronix, spectrometers from Ocean Optics and light-meters from Minolta. AV Magazine attends all major tech tradeshows all over the world such as CES, Integrated System Europe, Mobile World Congress, High-end Munich, IFA and IBC, among others. AV Magazine also hosts an “AV” discussion forum gathering more than 100k subscribers, producing roughly 5 million messages in nearly 300,000 threads where useful information can be exchanged and knowledge shared.